Thursday, October 27, 2005

W. Is An Idiot

OK, so it's been a while. What's new? Well, I've actually worked out two days in a row!!! Bought a new watch for training - hoping that would provide some momentum. The momentum so far has only been that I've worked out for two days in a row. The watch is really cool. It's the Polar RS200sd. It has a foot pod that measures distance - that's cool! I'm trying to figure out a couple of things like reporting and recording of my workouts at the Polar site. The manual is about 100 pages so give me a little time here. If figuring out the Polar account and uploading proves to be too much of a hassle, I'll start blogging my workouts here.

I am now a certified Project Management Professional, a.k.a. PMP. Got my certification at the end of August. Eight years experience plus a $3,500 boot camp and Viola! I actually enjoyed the class a lot and learned quite a bit. It put a lot of experiences in context for me and gave me some much needed validation for things I was already doing. It's a very serial and logical discipline so it very much up my alley.

Karen, David and I are getting ready to move into our new house next weekend and we are very much looking forward to that. I swear there are two baby elephants living upstairs from us at present and there simply is never a moment's peace and quiet. We were supposed to close tomorrow, 28 October, but it was evident to us that that was unrealistic about two weeks ago. Closing is now looking like Wednesday of next week. For those of you that are close family or friends you already know how trying the last several months have been for us. The culmination of my work, the new house, the New Bern house completion efforts, Karen's accident and my certification have left us quite thin. No complaining here, just saying it's been a tough last 6 months. I have declared 2006, "The year of the recliner". That is unless I decide to do an Ironman distance event...

So as I mentioned before, the house in New Bern is finally complete and on the market. I think the effort was more than we estimated, but in hind sight, we'd still do it over again. With that said, I also think if we could go back in time 15 months knowing what we know now, we would easily shave off about 10% of the total time. Bum Phillips once said, "Hard work and good times go together. It's just that the hard work comes first." Amen, Bum.

Saving the best for last. The Zoop report. Yes, we have new pictures coming soon so stay tuned. It may be another week or two, but we have all kinds of new pictures of the wiggle monster. He is walking and talking. Karen and I are now very much aware that not only are we not in control, but we didn't have it when we thought we did. Seriously, David is doing very well in all areas. He is the joy of our lives and, God willing, we'll make him a little sister next year.

So that's all for now. Our new address will be 608 Gravel Brook Court, Cary NC 27519 after next week. I have no idea what our phone number will be, but if it changes and you need it you can always use the Preis directory to get it. Take care, God bless and George W. Bush is an idiot.

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