Monday, December 4, 2006

We Three are Four and Au Revoir IBM

Hello again everyone. Haven't really published any details since Camden's arrival, but as you might be able to guess, the two are related. Camden's arrival was not the textbook delivery that David's delivery was and his first couple of months have been a bit more of a rollercoaster ride. But all should be happy to know now that Camden is doing fine now and is well on his way to becoming his brother's best friend.

Everyone wants to know how David is taking to his new brother and we couldn't be more proud of David's welcoming attitude. Sure, every now and then he tries to poke out Camden's eyes, but nine times out of ten he is "tickle-ticklng" him or giving him soft kisses on his head. Watching the love and closeness beginning to develop between the two is another one of God's gifts that we are thankful for every day.

Everyone also wants to know how Karen is doing. I'd be lying if I said the additional workload didn't show in the tiredness of her eyes, but what shows more in her eyes is the joy she gets from the love of her sons. Camden has recently become aware of those around him and when he smiles at Karen it's like watching a thirsty person come upon an oasis. The last couple of months have been rough on Karen because - as is always the case - the new little ones don't start out with any schedule or regimen. I don't know what I'm getting her for Christmas, but if I could magically transport her back to the Four Seasons in Maui for a day spa, I would. She deserves it. I love her so. She is the best mother and wife any one could ask for.

I think most of you are now aware that I ended my career at IBM/Lenovo on 7 November 2006. I made it nine and a quarter years and I wish I had made it ten, but it simply wasn't to be. I started with BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina a week later on 13 November 2006. The change has been tougher than I would have thought. I went from being the fearless foremost expert at what I was doing to Mr. Green Jeans in one week. I know I'll regain my expertise and tenure, but right now I feel like a fish out of water and I miss my old friends. I have made a concerted effort to stay in touch with my old crew... Alan, Brinda, Vincent and their continued friendships are helping. I must say that I'm pretty much in awe of the talent of my new colleagues and I'm sure that new friendships are forthcoming.

It's almost time for our year end wrap-up note and Karen and I really enjoy putting that together. We're hoping that 01 January 2007 is much less uneventful than 01 January 2006 was. If you're reading this, you're likely either family or friend and I'll tell you now that we miss you. As the kids get a little older we're looking forward to visiting and being visited in this next year so we'll start the New Years' resolutions off early with that thought. Type to you soon.

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