Thursday, October 9, 2008

Earth to McCain. Come in McCain.

Well we cashed in my 401K and we've decided to go to the movies. The good news is we're 'buying' and will not likely be selling for about another 20 years so the proper perspective is treat the losses as paper losses today and take comfort in the fact that we are continuing to buy low.

I am very excited to see Barack's progress and at the same time feel obligated to thank John McCain for his selection of VP as perhaps the biggest contributing factor. Talk about a lack of vision. You can't make this stuff up. McCain defines wealthy as having more than FIVE MILLION dollars in assets?!?!? Hell, I oughtta be eligible for food stamps. Then he says the fundamentals of the economy are strong; again are you kidding me? This is a guy that doesn't know how many houses he owns. If you think he is more like you and me, please contact me to let me know who you are - I need a loan. The icing on the cake has to be his VP pick. Let me get this straight... a two year Governor of a state with a population equal to Poughkeepsie, NY currently embroiled in a scandal involving the potential wrongful termination of a state employee with a five month old son with Down syndrome with nary a hint of international diplomacy experience. Again, can't make this stuff up. Take a wild guess what the percentage of non-elected Presidents has been historically. 5%? 10% maybe? (hint hint: keep going) try 20%. McCain - whose health I would not classify as robust - is in the decade of his life when most men die. So I have to ask, where's the 'Country First' in the quality of his VP selection? I don't want someone 'like me' as the President or Vice President. I want someone better suited to the task at hand. Paraphrasing from an article I read recently, we want elite pilots to fly the aircraft on which we are passangers. We want elite doctors performing our surgeries and elite teachers to educate our children. So you can call Barack elite because of his education or his position, but he's not out of touch. He may not be like me, but he understands me. John McCain is not like me becuase he's beyond out of touch. Sarah Palin is not like me either. I would never consider taking a job so consuming and thus prioritizing my career over my family. One last thing about Sarah Palin, if I read one more article about her noble decision to bring a child with Down Syndrome into this world I'm going to puke. Sarah Palin is a staunch Pro-Lifer. So I ask, what decision was there to make?

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